Everyone loves a good game right? How about one that might give you a different perspective on the town you live in? What neighborhoods have we not visited in for EVER? What has changed?

The idea of this game has been nagging at me for some time so I thought I'd give it a chance to see how well other people like it. The game is actually played on our facebook page and this website is (for now) just an archival and information station. If you would like to contact us, please do so through our facebook page.

Our Vision:

A lot of lofty ideas have been processed but we would like to eventually see enough participation on ths site to approach businesses with the option to participate by either buying ads or contributing product or gift certificates to give to winners of the game...

Who we are:

Shhhh... it's a secret! :)
Part of the fun and mystic surrounding the game is no one (well, almost no one) know's who is responsible for the pictures posted and comments made on "how well do you know Idaho Falls"! We'd like to keep it that way if we can. If you are a potential advertiser let us know your interest by sending an email to info@picsofplaces.com. We'll set up a date/time to meet with you in person if you'd like.


We have several vehicles for advertising available and boy are they dirt cheap! As of this writting we have 260 "likes" on facebook with more being added every day. There are an average of 40 page requests per day on this websites "Archives" page. Your message will get out there! Check the pricing structure below.

PicsofPlaces.com rotating banner ad:
An ad placed on the "rules" or "home" page is $20 per month
"Archives" page is $30 per month
"Games" page is $25 per month
We will design the ad at no additional charge to you. The ads are rotated sporadically on 8-10 second intervals.

Option 1: You can "sponsor" one of the picture series on facebook for $10 a picture. You get recognized as the sponsor when each picture in the series is uploaded to facebook as well as noted on the "Archive" page under that picture. You will see more benefit with this if you also offer a prize to the winner of that particular contest. Gift certificates, discounts or free stuff work really well!
Option 2: You can submit pictures of your business, inside or outside, to be used in our facebook game. We'll crop them down and let users guess just like the regular game. It will also get added to our archives here on PicsOfPlaces. It's a lot of exposure for just $20 a picture.

Screen Saver:
We are working on a screen saver that will have 50 images from our collection. It will be a free download on our website and is ad supported. This means that you can put your ad right on specific frames of the screen saver. We will offer a new screen saver every year so your ad will be availaible for display for at least a year to those that download. It very well could be displayed much longer than that if folks don't upgrade every year. See a sample here! Prices are as follows:
Frame 1-10 - $30 per frame
Frame 11-20 - $15 per frame
Frame 21-50 - $10 per frame
You can see that you can buy an ad on as many frames as you would like but please note that you will not necessarily have exclusivity (is that a word?) to any particular frame as up to 10 advertisers can be placed on a frame. Also noteworthy, when a user is setting up their screensaver, they can choose to view the frames randomly. So buying a non premium frame placement does not hurt!

We will publish a printed calendar every year to use as give aways and promotions to support the facebook game and website. Your advertising is welcome in it to help offset the hard cost of printing. We also make these available for purchase both online and in store fronts. Let us know if you are interested in selling them too!
There is one size ad only - 2.5"x1" and it is $50 per page. You are welcome to buy ads on multiple pages. You can see a sample here!

Pay now! :)

So you are ready to advertise and you want to send us some money to seal the deal right? :) You should first contact us at info@picsofplaces.com and verify the total you will be required to pay and to make sure your advertising is a good fit with us. We accept payments online with paypal. Just select the "Donate" button below and follow the prompts. Note that you don't have to have a paypal account to use this service!

Alternatively you can send us a check, pay by credit or debit card in person or happily submit yourself to slave labor for 20 years! Questions? info@picsofplaces.com.